RegistrationPassword reset
7 February 2021
Total number of players 3
Following the event4

Таймери ТЕЦ

Event type: Weekend Event , Organizer: West SOP

Ukraine, Lviv region, Lviv, 2021-02-07

Events calendar

Event info

Organizer: West SOP
Location: Ukraine, Lviv region, Lviv, 2021-02-07
Event type: Weekend Event
Number of players: 3
Expected index X 2
Ticket payment type Cash Payment
Start date: 07.02.21
Start time: 10:30:12
End date: 07.02.21
End time: 15:00:12
Parties and contributions :



Event rules description

Організатор Ян. 07.02.2021р. Гра-тренування з таймерами Львів, ТЕЦ Збір 10:00 Старт гри 11:00 Поставлена шпилька